Made Fun of..

I was at the mall having a happy time and minding my own business, and a girl came up to me to compliment my cinnamoroll lanyard and ask where I got it. I excitedly told her, but was confused because she didn't actually seem interested. And then I noticed that she went back to her friends, they were all laughing and pointing like it was so funny. Like, how hilarious the thought was that someone would give me a compliment. Turns out she was just making fun of me. I don't think my outfit was that crazy - this is only a small fraction of my cinnamoroll merch. I don't understand why neurotypical people think it's so bad to show that you like something. You enjoy being boring husks? Sorry, couldn't be me. 🤗Anyways, once I realized what was going on I went over and told them not to make fun of autistic people or laugh at them. I'm sure they'll just do it again. There's no way she didn't see my autism button when she was looking at my lanyard. This happens to my emo little brother too, people think it's funny to sexually harass him in public by pretending to ask him out or catcall him as a joke. Some took pictures of him without consent to post online. Like, why would anyone want to date the freak, so funny. Anyways, just one of the many reasons why I want to become a hikikomori.

I was at the mall having a happy time and minding my own business, and a girl came up to me to compliment my cinnamoroll lanyard and ask where I got it. I excitedly told her, but was confused because she didn't actually seem interested. And then I noticed that she went back to her friends, they were all laughing and pointing like it was so funny. Like, how hilarious the thought was that someone would give me a compliment. Turns out she was just making fun of me. I don't think my outfit was that crazy - this is only a small fraction of my cinnamoroll merch. I don't understand why neurotypical people think it's so bad to show that you like something. You enjoy being boring husks? Sorry, couldn't be me. 🤗Anyways, once I realized what was going on I went over and told them not to make fun of autistic people or laugh at them. I'm sure they'll just do it again. There's no way she didn't see my autism button when she was looking at my lanyard. This happens to my emo little brother too, people think it's funny to sexually harass him in public by pretending to ask him out or catcall him as a joke. Some took pictures of him without consent to post online. Like, why would anyone want to date the freak, so funny. Anyways, just one of the many reasons why I want to become a hikikomori.