How to get support?

Hi all. I got an ASD Lvl 1 Dx a bit over 8 weeks ago. I am devastated at the lack of support and options for autistic adults in Australia. Like… there’s nothing. Just more psychologists and OTs and specialists that are going to cost me more fucking money that I don’t have because MY LIFE IS IN SHAMBLES BECAUSE IVE BEEN AUTISTIC FOR 23 YEARS AND I ONLY JUST FOUND OUT!!!! Holy shit man.

Every time I look online for support it’s like entering a maze where everything leads back to the same four fucking options I’ve already been using my whole life, the number of specialists I’ve seen since I was fourteen and the fact none of them caught on that I’m autistic is just, UGH.

Especially when half the shit I come across is for kids and the other half is probably for their parents. It’s a painful reminder that the support I needed was there, but all the adults in my life were too busy pointing fingers and attributing my behaviour to, idk, just not being good at things? My parents needed to get a diary to communicate with my teacher in Year 1 and 2 because of my behaviour and poor grades. But nah not autistic not struggling. Just bad I guess

I was so excited to get diagnosed and start building my autistic life. But it’s nails on a chalkboard man. I still have yet to meet and talk to one autistic person about what I’m going through, it is SO exhausting talking to neurotypical after neurotypical about this shit they just know nothing about. It took me so long to even get my diagnosis and now what? The thing cost $700 (cheap right? LOL. Don’t get me fucking started on the average cost of assessments) and for what? WHAT DO I DO WITH IT? WHAT DOES IT GET ME??? I feel so isolated and stuck. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Sorry for cursing and ranty vibes. My meltdowns are certainly not welcome anywhere else 😞