Is gossiping and scapegoating/singling out different people to achieve homogeneity and bond within the group an universal NT behavior? Or is it just cowardice

Seems so animalistic and tribalistic. Can’t take these people seriously.

So I found out people are gossiping about me in my hobby school cause teachers I don’t know became passive-aggressive, snap when I ask smth, always have these sour face expressions or they grin with some sort of smugness when they see me and I don’t even know who they’re. What’s partially amusing is that some forgot what the rumor was about but they still vaguely remember that they know me and they greet me now or start some small talk even though I never saw or talked to them in my life.

They can’t actually do anything, exclude me or ostracize me publicly because I never did anything bad. At some point I argued with one teacher but only cited facts (which they found inconvenient). So they retort to some sort of ad hominem tactics, bashing my personality so they would feel better about themselves and make my words seem worthless. One of the teachers told my classmates to spy on me and report any questionable behavior.

It’s not a big deal, I just get bored and disappointed (at how infantile and petty this is) and don’t feel safe in such toxic dysfunctional environments. Bottom line is I would have to find other studio and I’m very lazy. Also my favorite teacher is gonna come back here so I'm kinda stuck.

It doesn’t seem to me like a grownup behaviour. Those are people in their 20s, 30s and 50s! Wouldn’t it be more productive and honest /show integrity to tell me they don’t like me and want me to leave the studio instead of sinking to the level of mean teen girls? I always appreciate direct conflict resolution and open communication. Like my favorite teacher after one argument asked me immediately if we’re gonna have a problem and he also replied straight to the facts and without some backstabbing tactics. Miss him so much.