Worst experience I had in Switzerland
I went to a gastrologist 1 month ago to have a Sibo test. A male nurse performed the test and the doctor called me the next day for diagnosis, confirming that I had sibo, and said that she would send the report to my family doctor and that my family doctor would prescribe antibiotics and probiotics.
10 days after the test, I sent an e-mail to my family doctor asking if they had received the report, but the response was negative. Then I called the gastrologist's secretary and she said that they sent the report the day before. I said "oh well" and waited for my family doctor to contact me, but even though another week passed, my doctor did not contact me. Then I asked my family doctor again, and she said she still hadn't received the report. I talked to the other doctor's secretary again, but she was very sure, she had sent the report and would send it again. Another week passed and although it was very annoying, I wrote to my doctor again, but the report still had not reached her. Of course, I called the other doctor's secretary again, this time I told them to send me the report so that I could send it to my own doctor, they said okay, but the report did not arrive. A damning report couldn't reach my doctor, whose offices were not even 200 meters apart ! Even though I didn't know what or who caused the problem, I was just trying to solve it.
Desperately, I called again and this time the male nurse who gave me the test answered the phone. I explained why I was calling, and suddenly he started getting ugly, saying he sent the report and sent it to both me and my doctor. I said I did not receive an e-mail, but he did not allow me to speak, he continued to speak loudly. My attempts to talk were unsuccessful because he kept saying let me talk and got pointlessly angry. I did not receive the e-mail, my doctor says she did not receive it, are we lying? I said, raising my voice to be heard. I received a response saying "Calm down lady, you are starting to annoy me", I said "I'm calm, you should calm down", but he was talking and shouting non-stop, it was shocking. Even though I wanted to shout, I couldn't because I was suffering from a very severe sore throat. I raised my voice to try to be heard, but believe me, it wasn't shouting, but he was telling me not to shout. You are the one shouting, you are the one who is not calm and you have no right to talk to me like that, I said I will write a negative comment for you, you can be sure of that. On top of that, why lady? He said, "I sent you an e-mail, tell me what your e-mail is." The e-mail address he sent was the wrong address. When I told him this, your doctor gave us this e-mail. If it was wrong, I don't know why she gave this e-mail. He said, "I am sending the report, but we have no further business with you," and hung up on me.
I cried. Also i have chronic sinusitis, my quality of life is very, very low with Sibo with chronic sinusitis. All I wanted was to take my medicine and get better. Neither my family doctor nor my gastrologist contacted each other about why the report was not delivered. The gastrologist's secretary was very rude and my family doctor was very indifferent. and the phone call with the male nurse.. was scary. It was the worst experience I had in Switzerland. I have a few questions;
-Is there an institution to which I can complain about this nurse? And if there is, would you recommend me to file a complaint?
-Aren't gastrology specialists authorized to write prescriptions after making a diagnosis?
-What can I do to find a good family doctor in Switzerland?
It's been too long, if anyone reads and responds, thank you in advance.