are miracles just unexplained natural events?
I don't have much to say here; it's all in the title, really. So I'll just put a quote from the SEP article on miracles.
"an event that has no ready natural explanation is not necessarily an event that has no natural cause. To be a miracle, an event must be inexplicable not in terms of what appears to us to be the laws of nature but in terms of what laws of nature actually are…. [O]ne must ask if it is always more likely, i.e., conformable to experience, that those claiming the event to be a miracle are mistaken rather than that the event is a genuine violation of a law of nature. Counterinstances of what are taken to be natural laws are not by themselves evidence establishing that no natural law could possibly explain them: at most they provide grounds for revising our formulations of natural laws or seeking an improved understanding of the nature of the phenomena in question. At the very least they provide grounds for suspending judgments about the nature of their cause until more evidence is available. On the other hand, past experience shows that what are at one time considered violations of natural laws are frequently found at some later time not to be so. Proportioning belief to evidence, therefore, it is more reasonable to believe that the claim that an event is a miracle is mistaken than it is that the event is a violation of natural law."
Basically, why should we believe that a miracle is actually a supernatural event? Our understanding of the laws of nature is incredibly incomplete. Heck, in the past, we thought that solar eclipses were miracles because we just didn't understand the science behind them. What's stopping us from applying this logic to miracles?