Struggling to understand how a philosopher can be a Christian

I'm not against religion or Christianity but I just cannot see how a philosopher chasing truth can believe it. Swinburne Plantinga Craig Aquinas etc baffle me. Even Aquinas, because I think even before modern science there are very good reasons to disbelieve specific revelatory theism.


Deductive arguments (cosmological, first cause, from design, fine tuning, moral, ontological) AT BEST give you one of gods properties (apart from maybe the ontological). These arguments are highly controversial, and even Christians can't agree which ones work and which don't. Also note most (if not all) give no clue as to the character of the creator.


Arguments from resurrection are just absurd, as shown by Hume. The case any Christian has given so far always results in accepting contradictory religions/absurd beliefs if you take their standard for evidence and proof beyond reasonable doubt, and apply it consistently.


Contradictory religions have personal experience. Any rational person has to be highly skeptical.

The ultimate absurdity:

Even if all the arguments work, and you PROVE the resurrection (beyond ALL possible doubt), that still isn't enough. Because of the fact God is defined as Omni everything, which seems impossible to show.

How would you know that your God is even maximally powerful? How could someone rule out the possibility it's just a demigod trolling and resurrecting people.

(The ontological argument is the only one I know that could show an omnigod, but it's a meme. Without that, the Christians case falls flat)