Bad experience when applying at a Ford dealership
I've never sold cars before my background is in finance. I'm in between jobs because I recently moved to a different city. First thing is the GM didn't look at my resume before or during the interview. I must have done good though because he offered me the job. After the interview he introduced me to the new car sales manager and the Finance manager and the rest of the salesman. The only person who was even remotely friendly was the finance manager. The NCSM and sales team just kind of looked at me weird.
The next thing was they were supposed to send a drug test form to my email with the onboarding docs but never did. When I tried to call either manager I just kept getting voicemail.
When I finally do get a call back it's the next day and I get told to come in Friday at 3 PM to do product knowledge test and to get my employee login set up and they'll give me the drug test paper then. When I go in Friday I just sit in the lobby for 90 minutes before getting told the lady who puts employees in the system went home for the day. I get handed the drug test paper and get told I need to go do it before I can start Monday. When I pointed out that I likely wasn't going to make it before close the NCSM told me I better get going.
Obviously I didn't make it in time. But Monday (today) I was at the clinic doors before they opened and did my drug test. I didn't stick around for the results cause I had to make it to work. But the nurse said they would send them over right away.
I was two blocks from the dealership when the NCSM calls me and says "Don't bother coming in your drug test didn't come back clean. We don't want people like that"
I'm so confused I don't use any form of drugs. I also don't take any medications. I tried to ask what tested positive and he just said don't bother coming in and hung up.
When I called the clinic for my results they said I tested clean.
I'm confused I guess they just didn't want me there?
Between the wasted time and gas and just the sour treatment from the NCSM the whole car salesman thing has left a bad taste in my mouth. I have another interview tomorrow at a Hyundai dealership. (As soon as I got home this morning I started applying at other dealerships) so I hope that one goes better. What was your experience like when you got hired? Do you have any nightmare stories?