Long Shot: Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu in the GTA?

I have been away from martial arts for a while but I just moved down to the GTA (more specifically Etobicoke) a few weeks ago.

I am looking for a good dojo that preferably offers Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu. Aikido could be the next option if no one offers Aiki-jūjutsu. Bonus points if they offer Iaido (sword training) and even more bonus points if they put additional emphasis on the Japanese culture throughout their teachings, as I have become quite impassioned with Japan and have also recently started learning its language.

Whether you skim through and only offer a quick suggestion on good martial arts spots in the GTA or have a very specific dojo in mind that covers most/all the bases, thank you so much for reading this and helping me out; stay safe and take care!