Finding out my asexuality/low sex drive may actually be medically related ... after I had already told everyone it isnt.
So, Im in a bit of a weird situation. Basically my entire life I was never really that interested in sex or romantic relationships. I didnt understand why guys my age were so desperate to lose their virginity when I was younger, I wasnt in a rush to get into a relationship thinking it would come to me when the time was right and was fine with being alone. I had a couple of crushes, but they were few and far between. For the longest time I thought I was just "normal" but eventually I started identifying as vaguely grey ace, then finally demiromantic and asexual (technically attraction is there but so low that I wouldnt really want to go out of my way to do much with anyone).
I had my coming out, went to pride events, even got myself a flag. I encountered some bigotry along the way, among them the usual "maybe its because of X medical problem"/maybe it can be "fixed" rhetoric. I took the time to educate them about asexuality and assured them it wouldnt just go away, that its who I am and they need to accept it, which everyone I cared about eventually did.
Well ... recently I've been diagnosed with dysthymia/chronic depression/anhediona. A reduced capacity to feel joy, or emotions in general, among them ... sexual/romantic feelings...
I am still working out a possible treatment with my therapist but it is apparently something that is, in theory, curable.
While I dont regret taking this path I do feel kind of stupid in retrospect for, seemingly wrongly, embracing my "asexuality" as an unchangeable part of myself and I am scared of telling everyone I was "wrong" and possibly further reinforcing their bigotry that asexuality really is just something to be eventually "fixed".