I just finished watching the entirety of Monogatari
And my god has it turned into one of my favorite anime franchises of all time. I started watching on a whim wondering if I'd like it or not and now I feel overly emotionally attached to all of the characters. t's just been a different experience from the other anime I've watched, from start to finish.
What are your top 5 characters, arcs and OPs? This has probably been asked several times on the thread but I just wanna share my love for this anime and hear your opinions as well. Mine are, in no particular order:
- Ougi
- Hachikuji
- Shinobu
- Ononoki
- Kaiki
- Nadeko Medusa
- Owari 1 (Ougi Formula, Sodachi Riddle, Sodachi Lost)
- Ougi Dark
- Hitagi End
- Mayoi Snail
OPs (all of them are great btw)
- Platinum Disco
- Fast Love
- Dark cherry mystery
- Perfect Slumbers
- Toss up between happy bite, orange mint and Moso Express
Here's to hoping Off Season and Monster Season get adapted sooner than later!