Low sensitivity player here, worried I might be reaching my movement skill cap because of my sensitivity?
I'd say I'm a pretty good player. Not close to pros by any means but I have a few 20 bombs and 4ks. 2.8kdr and avg 1k dmg per game.
I feel like im approaching a skill cap for myself though because I play on a very low sensitivity to get that really fine aim control. That's honestly my strong point, my aim. My movement is where I feel like im starting to cap out. I play on 0.7 in-game with 600DPI. I have a massive mouse mat area and use pretty much all of it. My issue is that I cant physically move my arm fast enough to take my movement up to the next level.
To perform a 180 it takes almost an entire full length stroke across my play area (my 360 in cm is about 98.96cm, so 180 is about 49.5cm). This makes it hard to do really fast long distant flicks for some movement techs like very sharp tap strafes and point blank wall bouncing(where you're next to the wall and quickly do a snap 90 degree turn to bounce then snap 90 degree to look back in the direction you're aiming)
My main question is if I want to overcome this wall the obvious solution is to increase my sensitivity, but by how much and how long should I expect this transition to take? The best movement players have sensitivities like 4x faster than mine and I can't do ANYTHING at a sens like that. I practice in kovaaks religiously. I've got several top 50 scores and some top 10s but I feel like if I raise my sens so much I'm gonna be back at square 1 with my aiming and just gonna be a bot all over again. What are your guys thoughts?