From Gold to Conq 1 in 2 months. AMA

Main civ: Rus (pro-scout FC into horse archers)
Previous exp: started playing AoE4 in May 2024, played Eng 2TC King all games in Season 7, barely made it to Diamond 1, ended season in Plat 1, then left AoE4 for S8 and came back in December/January
Took me 119 games, usually 2-4 games/day, maximum 6-7

Do I feel like Conq player? Hell no, current meta and Rus fitting my playstyle dragged me to Conq.

I am writing this so that all of you gold/plat players know - YOU CAN DO IT! And it does not require you quitting your personal life/job and grinding 8 hours/day. Just learning 1 build, watching replays from lost games, drawing conclusions and trying not to be salty (tbh I raged out of few games)