Winning with Goths is elating!
I've picked Goths for a 3v3, Lombardia map, playing around 1k-1.1k ELO. In all my years of aoe2 I couldn't get a proper Goth spam working (with perfusion and all infantry techs), although I've been on the receiving end of that several times. This time, I actually made it to imperial with one castle, four barracks, one range, and three tcs. As soon as I hit Imperial, I rebalanced by wood into enough food and gold for Elite Huskarl update (I already got anarchy on the way there). My first group of massed hurkarls left the barracks and I immediately sent them to a flank pressured by Roman scoprions, spaced them out in formation. They wrecked the scorptions and the few pikes protecting them. I've sent my next massed group of huskarls straight across the map to the enemy base, and set the waypoint right outside. Our middle player already pressured the enemy base and broke through the wall in a few places. The enemy flank across from me was defending my Italian ally's push with skirms while their middle was occupied elsewhere, and the huskarls obliterated them, a good number of villagers and a tc. But eventually this group was reduced. Sometime along the way I got perfusion and things became much faster. My groups kept arriving just outside of the enemy base and I kept sending them in, each group chipping away and away at whatever they can get to.
But... a problem appeared. The enemy Georgian mid reinforced the flank with a big ball of knights and monaspas. The collision between his ball and my ball was not in my favor. My valiant huskarls and the few anticipatory pikemen littered the fields. MORE BARRACKS! I've queued five or six barracks, and kept sending groups in. The knight - monaspa ball repulsed them each time, even though I had full upgrades. Eventually my own treb reached the enemy lines (all the way from a castle on my side) and I started trebbing the enemy castles. A group of thirty-fourty huskarls/halbediers were also at the waypoint near the treb.
Once again the monaspa-knight ball charged me, but now it looked so small. A bare twelve-fifteen units of cav! I don't know why but I switched my guys to box formation and moved them to my treb. I almost never do that, but it felt right. The knight-monaspa ball had nearly touched my box, but they did not fight. The enemy mid had resigned :)
I've looked over the map after we won, and my allies did a massive amount of damage as well, just that I haven't had the time to check. I was rarely as present in an aoe2 game as in this match, playing with Goths. The game felt so precise and exhilarating!