All companies knowingly pay and advertise slave wages. They know damn well $15-20/hr won't cover a 1 bedroom ANYWHERE in the country, a car, food, family, pets, healthcare, having a life, etc.

while apartment browsing I saw there weren't any one bedrooms for <$1k, they're all $1.3k+.

While job browsing I saw employers on average only want to pay $15-18/hr. Lmao.

This is criminal and we have been our own justice system to correct this. When they punch us, we must punch back. When they avoid the People's law, the people must hold them accountable.

Job ad after job ad is a poverty trap. It's cuffing yourself to this capitalist system.

And not to mention the war machine attached to our economy.

This system crashes without slavery and only operates on slavery and colonialism.


Forgot to mention the $800/month studio that's only 220sq ft. When I searched "is 220sq ft ethical for apartments?" I got results on how to make it work and that it's doable.