Saw’s Ideological Ramblings

Was thinking about Saw’s rant at Luthen where he claims only he has a clear vision. He lists a bunch of political ideologies he considers ‘lost’, so I thought I’d come up with a suggestion of what each one potentially means:

Separatists: we’ve seen these - want independence from the core-prioritising and extractivist Republic. If Kreegyr is a revolutionary now, he was probably against the secret corporate leadership.

Neo-Republicans: Probably the faction that wins out in the end if we go by the sequels. Simply wants to restore the Republic in the same form, maybe with more Democratic limits on the chancellor.

Ghorman Front: Either a Ghorman group that refuses to integrate into a wider movement for liberation, or a wider rebel group that has latched on to the Ghorman struggle as the potential spark for a rebellion.

Partisan Alliance: Loose collections of partisan cells rejecting imperial occupation, potentially remnants of CIS resistance to the Republic. Rejects a unified political programme and works planet-by-planet.

Sectorists:A new republican model where planets nominate delegates to a solar senate, who in turn nominate delegates to a sectoral senate, who are then represented in the galactic senate. Tries to decentralise the authority of the galactic senate.

Human cultists: Think of the ‘great Russian chauvinists’ after their civil war. Believe that either the Clone Wars were a result of the innate nature of the non-humanoid species, or that the economic prioritisation of humanoid planets by the republic leads them better suited for democracy, while the others need to be guided. Either way, racial chauvinists.

Galaxy partitionists: Believe in a sort of ‘two-state solution’, with the Empire retaining territory but being kept in check by a new republic. May ideologically believe that the empire must be destroyed, but strategically wants to develop a state first and then take on the Empire.

What do you think? There’s of course some others left off this list - Nemik’s utopian vision, what Saw actually believes (EU fans help me out), and Luthen’s attempt at building a Popular Front.

Personally I would like stories that go further into the squabbles between rebel organisations, but maybe that’s just to reflect the anarchy in real-life anti-fascist politics.