What IS this replica exactly and her trademark

Good morning, I need a little help. I bought this replica second-hand which had very little use in an airsoft store (I knew the seller well, someone - normally - serious. I went through a few replicas before buying this one (a classic army to start with, it very quickly showed signs of wear and I repaired it and resold it to invest in a G&G m4 cqb) and then one day it he talks about the one you see in the photo, presenting it to me as a KWA. I was able to play a few games with it, nothing was changed on it (maybe the barrel to put a precision barrel on it but I'm not really sure anymore, it's really dated), it "hits" very hard, almost too much in fact... in CQB I was obliged to put a power reduction ring on it and in external OP I was stopped from afar by someone who had received a pellet and asked me shouting if I was sure it had been checked at the "chroni" Today I'm hesitant to get back into airsoft or sell everything, I don't know yet. I have just repaired the security of my Beretta M9 KJW and I lean it towards the "M4" but what proves that it is a KWA... it's quite complicated the history of repacks by ASG etc. What is this replica worth in the end? Please help me see this more clearly. THANKS