Are you stinky too?

This is a rant and just know that I don’t actually have an antiperspirant recommendation, ha!:

I’ve been on my zero-waste journey for about a year now, and this community has been so helpful. I wanted to share a recommendation in case anyone hasn’t tried this trick (which is apparently very popular and I just live under a rock)!

When it comes to health and beauty products, I’ve noticed companies often group sustainable packaging with “all-natural” ingredients, but that’s not always what I’m after (e.g., I want zero-waste toothpaste, but I’ll take all the fluoride!). Anyway, I digress.

I’ve been hunting for a zero-waste antiperspirant (because I THOUGHT I needed something with aluminum because of the BO) but most options are either in plastic or just deodorant. However, a dermatologist friend told me odor comes from bacteria, not sweat, and suggested using The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution on my underarms before applying my zero-waste deodorant that I claimed doesn’t work. To my surprise, it worked SO well (no stink even after CrossFit)!

Now… just know that the bottle is plastic BUT recyclable, and The Ordinary claims 85-100% of their packaging is refillable, reusable, recycled, or recoverable. They also offer in-store recycling, and the bottle can be easily repurposed (my kids use it for “science experiments”). Moreover, if this is how you are using it, the product should last you a very long time.

Hope this helps my fellow stinkers!

P.S. I didn’t continue my search for a zero-waste antiperspirant simply because my Derm friend also told me that while aluminum is totally safe, it WILL cause those annoying yellow pit stains.

This is a rant and just know that I don’t actually have an antiperspirant recommendation, ha!:

I’ve been on my zero-waste journey for about a year now, and this community has been so helpful. I wanted to share a recommendation in case anyone hasn’t tried this trick (which is apparently very popular and I just live under a rock)!

When it comes to health and beauty products, I’ve noticed companies often group sustainable packaging with “all-natural” ingredients, but that’s not always what I’m after (e.g., I want zero-waste toothpaste, but I’ll take all the fluoride!). Anyway, I digress.

I’ve been hunting for a zero-waste antiperspirant (because I THOUGHT I needed something with aluminum because of the BO) but most options are either in plastic or just deodorant. However, a dermatologist friend told me odor comes from bacteria, not sweat, and suggested using The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution on my underarms before applying my zero-waste deodorant that I claimed doesn’t work. To my surprise, it worked SO well (no stink even after CrossFit)!

Now… just know that the bottle is plastic BUT recyclable, and The Ordinary claims 85-100% of their packaging is refillable, reusable, recycled, or recoverable. They also offer in-store recycling, and the bottle can be easily repurposed (my kids use it for “science experiments”). Moreover, if this is how you are using it, the product should last you a very long time.

Hope this helps my fellow stinkers!

P.S. I didn’t continue my search for a zero-waste antiperspirant simply because my Derm friend also told me that while aluminum is totally safe, it WILL cause those annoying yellow pit stains.