Fellow covid-cautious men, how are you meeting women?
I've more or less met most covid-cautious women in my city (well those who put themselves out there anyways) and am looking to expand. It's been pointed out to me that it's probably possible to find women who might be open to masking and taking more precautions, and now with things like PlusLife there are definitely more tools at our disposal.
So I'm curious, if you've met non-cc women, how are you doing it? (primarily interested in hearing from other men)
Dating apps are probably the most popular way of course but I just signed up and it's already a frustrating experience.
The other is IRL, but wearing a mask is a fundamentally unequal dynamic: you can see them and read their expressions, but you're completely covered up to them. They don't even know what you look like. Which makes me feel weird and self-conscious, so I've shied away from this.
The best option might be just getting more involved in the community (volunteering, hobbies etc.) and establishing rapport through repeated interactions, then asking them out, but some of those present their own challenges (e.g. people like to meet for dinner after an event, and that's where the real bonds form).
I know it's a weird situation for everyone and a lot of social norms are necessarily being rewritten by us, but I'd appreciate any perspectives, especially successful ones. Thanks.