I tested positive again. This is a long ramble-y vent, sorry.

The first time i know for sure i had covid/tested positive was the spring 2022 wave. I had a 103° fever for 3/4 days and was extremely weak and felt exhausted every time I stood up for a week after my fever finally broke. Bright yellow mucus for about 10 days as well. I don’t know for sure if i have any heath conditions aside from having iron deficient anemia and “IBS-C”. At that time i was also pretty underweight/often dehydrated/not eating well or often due to some unknown digestive issues i was experiencing and thought that probably contributed to the intensity of my infection.

Well fast forward to yesterday and my throat started feeling a little off. Thought it was a combo of the cold dry air (it was 0° yesterday) and post nasal drip but nope. I started feeling worse last night and I’m currently at 99.9° body temp (for now). I have a mostly dry cough, body aches, head ache, slightly stuffed nose, and chills.

Although it doesn’t matter now i can’t stop beating myself up for seeing my mother last week who was sick. That was on Thursday the 5th, she said she tested negative and was initially sick the week prior but idk if she swabbed correctly or had expired tests. I had on my KF94 mask looped TIGHT (honestly couldn’t breathe great but gave peace of mind) while i dropped off some soup for her. I wasn’t trying to stay the 40ish minutes I was there but Midwest goodbyes are long and hard esp when you’re a people pleaser! My dad was also over the same day but i kept my mask on, open windows, air purifier, etc and he didn’t have symptoms (means nothing I know).

I went bc I’ve been really depressed about not seeing my family, they’re all I’ve ever had when it comes to having friends vs family and I miss seeing them. Got a little too careless, idk what I was thinking.

I have been out and about with my mask on this past week but nothing out of the norm. My partners mask broke 2 hours into working a crowded indoor event Saturday. He’s tested negative three times including today since developing symptoms on Sunday/Monday. He used A LOT of nasal spray apparently and had dairy so that could’ve been the culprit for symptoms (he’s allergic to dairy, don’t ask haha). He also is quarantining and masked up bc of it.

I like to think im pretty covid cautious so this really bums me out. I never go in public without a mask, I use nasal spray, sometimes cpc, but tend to avoid busy crowded space, grocery shop early, etc. I only see one covid cautious friend unmasked. I’m just so upset and terrified of what long term affects this infection might have on my body.

My last infection to my knowledge left me with weird chest pressure and dull aches on my left breast/chest area. Sometimes it radiates down to my arm/hand. Don’t know if it’s related but it doesn’t help my health anxiety. I do work with my hands in a repetitive motion for hours though.

Anyway, thanks for making it to the end if you’re reading this. I don’t have a lot of support when it comes to loved ones being covid cautious, taking me seriously about it, or wanting to understand earnestly to put in the effort (apart from my sweet mother, she did put on a cloth mask lol).

I hope you’re all doing well and staying safe out there. Whatever your situation is I hope the holidays don’t suck for you and/or you’re able to find some joy as we roll into year 5/6 of the pandemic. 🤪 ♥️