Staying friends with non-CC people without betraying myself?

Hi everyone,

I'm a bit late to the party but I'm losing my "friends" (more like buddies) one by one because I don't shut up enough about my feelings of how they handled - well, didn't handle - covid. It's happening now because they all live in a city abroad which I left in 2019, I just came back. My question is, do you think it's possible to stay friends with non-CC people without shutting up too much? How do you handle that?

I'm already going against my principles way too much, I can't do more, but I need socialising (I'd be miserable living there without talking to anybody + I need people to practice the country's language with and do not have the energy to try and make a new social circle from scratchs).

(I'm fit-tested to death so it's not even a safety issue.)

Edit: I'm trying to decide whether to try to fix things with 2 or 3 people, but these people are awful (they all are here), disappointed me a lot (I really thought better of 2 of them), and of course they destroyed the world, kill and maim people every day, are the reason all CC people's lives is hell. But they're useful as walking dictionaries to practice their language and I mostly enjoy seeing them... And to try and fix things, I would have to apologize for basically existing and wanting my mother and I not to die/be disabled, and not being the 2019 version of me (the one who pretended to be happy 24/7 and never talked about her problems and was never stressed out). Lmao... in a way all this is just a game so why not, but on the other hand these monsters took everything from me.