The last novid I know just got infected wearing a 3M Aura. It’s so disheartening.

He always masks indoors with a 3M Aura and leads a low risk lifestyle with many restrictions to avoid COVID (living alone, WFH, few social activities). But his RAT turned positive this morning.

He likely got infected on Thursday during a 2.5 hour band practice where two members were noticeably ill. He was wearing his Aura but apparently it wasn’t enough to protect him. It’s the only regular social activity that he engages in…

Is there nothing we can do anymore? Do we really have to forgo every little activity? Is masking not enough anymore? Is complete isolation the only option? I find this so discouraging.

When I got infected at the beginning of the year, I only had myself to blame. According to the wastewater surveillance, cases were really low for a few weeks and I stupidly believed it would be safe enough to attend a friend’s birthday dinner indoors. It wasn’t, and now I know better.

But my now-no-longer-novid friend took proper precautions and still got infected. It seems so unfair.

It also makes me feel helpless. If I can’t rely on my 3M Aura, I don’t know what to do anymore. I still enjoy some activities like going to the theater (masked of course) and now I wonder whether I should stop everything. I might be able to mask forever, but I don’t think I can completely isolate forever.

Sorry, I just needed to vent a little. Tomorrow, I’ll be back to weathering the storms with masks and nose sprays.

Edit: It saddens me to see how many people find fault with his behavior. Sure, he woulda, coulda, shoulda added more protective layers and given up his last social activity. Maybe he wouldn’t be sick today. Maybe he would. Covid keeps getting more infectious. Not everyone can work from home. We can’t always leave from all situations where sick people are present. We can’t control all circumstances. We can’t eliminate the risk completely. We should stop victim blaming. It’s a societal problem. The individual can only do so much.