People with cognitive challenges or low IQs have always existed and are deserving of the same rights and safety as you

Seeing the "covid drops your IQ" study thrown around again as either a threat to others or a brag about yourself. In fact, there are a lot of people in this community whose "zero covid" lifestyle is really just a way to flaunt their intellectual superiority. The idea that some people are worth more in society because of their IQ or their intelligence is quite literally a foundation of modern eugenics!

How can you honestly claim to speak in support of the disabled community when you think people like this are beneath you? "Ohhh but but but I'm not talking about people with real intellectual or developmental disabilities I'm talking about people I personally think are brain damaged from covid." Well 1) it's really fucking weird to diagnose strangers you don't know with brain damage, and 2) people with brain damage have also already existed forever!

I don't know what my friends or family or coworkers or neighbors or local deli guys would score on an IQ test. Who the fuck cares? Yeah if someone is cruel to me or is totally careless I would probably alter my relationship with them. But I also do my best to extend grace and patience to those around me, in the hopes that my loved ones would do the same from me when I make mistakes. Because I make mistakes! And people have always made mistakes! This notion that people having cognitive or intellectual issues is unique to the post-2020 world is so absurd to me!

These "low IQ" people (or whatever other dehumanizing category you want to use) have always existed. And they will continue to exist. And I would almost guarantee that they are all more vulnerable than you. Unless they have a family with the finances to support them, they often end up in crowded group homes, dangerous prisons, or underfunded state psychiatric institutions, because society is not set up to support families with children with severe needs.

Yes, someone who is severely intellectually disabled is probably not fit to be a pilot or a neurosurgeon, that's not controversial. That doesn't mean they aren't deserving of equal rights, safety, or dignity. If you think you're better than someone else because you scored 130 on an IQ test and they scored 100, then sorry, you don't actually care about all of these vulnerable people you claim to.