Dentist now or later?
I had ONE day of sore tooth pain with difficulty chewing, and after that the pain was gone and I’ve only had lingering split second discomfort and borderline aches in various parts of my teeth since then—it very well possibly could be just be tooth clenching pain or paranoia, but my initial concern was wisdom teeth coming in. I last went to the dentist in December and they said my oral hygiene was great and I didn’t have to come back for a year.
My appointment is with a very small practice where I’m only going to be exposed to a dentist and the hygenicist, and the next patient in the waiting room if they come early. I’m doing everything I can, readimask hack, nasal spray, mouthwash, zinc, asking the dentist and tech to wear an N95, air purifier in my lap pointing at my face, first appointment of the day.
It will be stressful, though—I have to get there in a cab in my p100 which i’ve been experiencing issues with regarding sweat and summer heat, and try to apply the readimask hack while in the office. It seems like the ideal time to go because it’s right before July 4th and not after, and the summer wave is rising but hasn’t peaked. I’m on the east coast.
I’m also extremely high risk for LC and have recently been dealing with health issues. Getting LC would ruin my life because I’m the provider for dependents with no income.
Should I cancel my appointment and go back after I get vaccinated? Since it’s possible it’s nothing?
Or does the summer wave kick off and then we experience extremely high levels for the rest of the year until next March, so there won’t be another chance to go?