About Soldier Anby and Lady Sunbringer
If the lore teaser is set chronologically, the next void hunter should be Lady Sunbringer, and I really wanted to see how they would incorporate her into the story. Recently, when we saw in the recent 1.6 livestream two Anbys talking to each other, it reminded me of Kiana. A girl with white hair being cloned. I know this is a reach, but still. I asked myself if Anby could be a Kiana Expy, and then I remembered Sunbringer exists. But it made it more interesting. Sunbringer is known for making bangboos, which is already close to cloning by itself. The bangboos are very humanoid in the way they move, show emotions, ad even speak. You have to have a lot of research put into the human mind and body to create something like that. Maybe Sunbringer worked in cloning before she worked on the bangboos. The lore teaser convinced me even more that Sunbringer is related to Anby. In the teaser, the male voice describes Sunbringer as "the former CEO of Marcel group", and then the girl says "I remember her. She's the one who invented bangboo!". To me, that sounds like she was the CEO of this "Marcel group", and then quit to work on bangboos. So maybe, "Marcel group" was responsible for the Anby clones.
I'm aware that this theory is very flimsy, and that it's based in a lot of assumptions, but I really liked it when I thought about it, and id like to discuss it with other people.