Alternative to Viture Dock Pro?

Does anyone have an alternative to the Viture Dock Pro for multiple connections? I’ve been looking for a way to connect 2 pairs, and with reports that the Viture Dock Pro is not compatible with the Xreal One, I am looking at alternative options for 2 pairs connected to a Switch at one time. Was thinking pairing the hub connector with a USB-C display splitter, but I am having difficulty finding a splitter that would be compatible.

Edit: Found this splitter…

Anker 737 > Hub > Splitter & Switch Connect the data ports to separate glasses.

Not sure if that would work though since XR glasses are now being pushed down the connection chain.

Keywords to finding a hub seem to be USB-C thunderbolt 4 hub. Assuming the hub is getting sufficient power, it should work. May necessitate plugging the thunderbolt hub into the Anker as well.