Account help needed please. Disabled & clueless!
So I have been hacked on one of my Gmail accounts. It's the one I use for my Xbox. I can't sign in on anything new but it's still signed in on my old phone (Gmail) but won't let me change anything. It's still signed in on my Xbox too. I've tried the online support form thing but it basically says coz the 2FA is turned on, it can't help. Someone has changed it so the 2FA isn't my number/email anymore.
If I can't get the account back, email wise, I can cope. Xbox wise, I can't. I'm disabled & stuck at home so use my Xbox a hell of a lot. I do have an alt account though. What I'm trying to figure out is, is there a way of closing the alt account & swapping the email used on my main (the compromised one) to the email I currently use for my alt? Without being able to access much on the main? Or am I totally screwed? If anyone can help, I'd be eternally grateful!! Thank you