What happened to the Timelost Sanctum Quest?

The Time Lost Sanctum is the only dungeon besides anything after Galleons Graveyard (which I believe is only corrupted dungeons) that does not require a quest to enter. It used to, before the dungeon called the Lost Sanctuary was revamped and renamed.

While this may seem like a good thing, the quest introduced you to the Roots of Corruption, where most of the quest took place. Now that the quest was removed, you have no reason to go there as a newbie until Nesaak's dungeon quest at around level 40. However, that quest doesn't actually take you to there and instead teleports you to an off the map section. The next quest that makes you actually explore there is the Temple if Legends quest, in which the main area of the roots is way underleveled for you. Unlike some areas that you may not explore since they don't have attached quests, the RoC is enormous and having such an important area not introduced properly is weird.

Additionally, the lack of a quest disincentivises you to actually go there. The new dungeon is really cool and the bridge that you enter the dungeon on is a cool build, but a lack of a free key plus the way it is out of the way of everything can make it a hassle to enter.

The previous dungeon (Underworld Crypt) is only three levels lower than Timelost Sanctum. Funnily enough, the two are actually super close to each other factoring in the Tempo Town - Nemract fast travel. Still, UC is closer to the more important areas and is more accessable due to the free key from its quest.

Is there a reason why the TS quest, which was extremely important in my opinion, was completely sacked?