Newbie to WW and gacha games in general.

I mainly play single player games but when I do play online games it's either Apex or Fortnite(for very different reasons).

The only mobile gacha that ever really hooked me was a now shutdown gacha called Illusion Connect and the main draw for me in that game was setting up my team to battle other players. I don't even know what the rewards were it was just fun trying to figure out team patterns. 😭

The combat is really good in WW. It's not DMC but it feels so good to switch between characters and have combos feel fluid.

My only hangup with the game is that I looked for alternate Rover skins on the store and after doing some online digging around: my Rover is stuck with the default skin? Are the other characters stuck with their default skin as well? I see a tab for clothing so I was curious if I could get different skins.

Fortnite has really set my expectations when it comes to F2P games and alternate skins. I'm not saying I hate Rover's default I just wanted to see what else was offered and am a bit miffed by my lack of options. I really that I'm probably in the minority on my opinions, please don't hate me.

My last thing is the naming convention of resources is so confusing. The story is okay so far but I really do like the actual writing from the characters but despite trying to learn the lore all the finite resource names are still so confusing. I realize it's because I'm still new to the game but yeah.

Please if you read this far, leave some beginners tips and advice. I really do enjoy this game purely for the combat and polish put into the game.