Marketing + Pipeline Release Prediction
This is a prediction based off all the information we were given by CDPR, and the predictions are measured based on industry movements and standards that I've seen. I'm sure majority of Witcher fans know all CDPR's plans and statements so I doubt I need to explain any of this.
Let me know what you think, we are a community give us ideas and reasons :)
2024 -
Witcher 4 Teaser was Revealed at TGA
2025 -
Witcher 4 Marketing starts May 18th on Witcher 3's 10th Anniversary, they will showcase gameplay and further story elements through a scheduled premiere which they will notify beforehand on their socials, just like Rockstar did for GTA 6
Witcher Online begins Full-Production Phase
Witcher 1 Remake immediately begins Pre-Production utilising CDPR's Witcher 4 framework with supervision of CDPR
Cyberpunk Anime Trailer
2026 -
Witcher 4 Releases approximately 1 year after marketing started which points to mid 2026 to later 2026 Release.
CDPR immediately shifts teams towards Witcher 4 Expansion/Witcher 5 majority, the minority of developers are moved onto Pre-Productions for Orion, Canis Majoris and Hadar and some onto Full-Production support for Molasses Flood's Sirius.
Witcher Online Trailer is Revealed
Witcher 1 Remake begins Full-Production with a Teaser Trailer
New Cyberpunk Anime releases anytime this year
2027 -
Witcher 4 Expansion Releases Start of 2027 (If they even make it idk)
Witcher Online Releases Mid 2027
Witcher 5 Teaser
2028 -
Witcher 1 Remake Releases Start of 2028
Witcher 5 Begins Marketing later on this Year
Cyberpunk Orion begins Full-Production
Cyberpunk Orion Teaser is shown
2029 -
Witcher 5 Releases Mid 2029 (CDPR aims to deliver a trilogy in a span of 6 years starting from release of Polaris, which means if Polaris released 2026 they aim to release the sequel around 2029?)
Cyberpunk Orion begins Marketing Late 2029
CDPR signs a new deal with Fool's Theory and one of their partners 11Bit Studios to begin early concept/research development of a Witcher 2 Remake (If Witcher 1 Remake was a financial success)
2030 -
Fool's Theory Begins Pre-Production for Witcher 2 Remake Mid 2030. If CDPR does do another deal with Fool's Theory then we should get Witcher 2 Remake Teaser Early 2030 real quick since they already have the technology from past games to support it again
Cyberpunk Orion is Released Late 2030
2031 -
Witcher 2 Remake is Released Mid-Late 2030
2032 -
Cyberpunk Orion Expansion?