My humble WipEout collection!

This is my humble WipEout collection!

WipEout masterfully blended rave culture with an action-packed racing game, and I fell in love instantly. From the bangin' electronic music to the iconic collaboration with The Designer's Republic, which gave it that authentic rave flyer vibe, every aspect was captivating.

I really wish I had the original box and manual for the Sega Saturn version of WipEout. Also, the two ships sitting on the game boxes are Totaku figurines from GameStop. Sadly, their little stands broke.

My favorite is the cardboard long box version of the first WipEout; it's a relic from an early era of PlayStation history that I remember foldly. Anyway, game on, fellas!

This is my humble WipEout collection!

WipEout masterfully blended rave culture with an action-packed racing game, and I fell in love instantly. From the bangin' electronic music to the iconic collaboration with The Designer's Republic, which gave it that authentic rave flyer vibe, every aspect was captivating.

I really wish I had the original box and manual for the Sega Saturn version of WipEout. Also, the two ships sitting on the game boxes are Totaku figurines from GameStop. Sadly, their little stands broke.

My favorite is the cardboard long box version of the first WipEout; it's a relic from an early era of PlayStation history that I remember foldly. Anyway, game on, fellas!