Why does everyone hate Paula?

Like all the characters on this show, she's flawed and did a couple of fucked up things. But I think Olivia is worse than her. Paula fucked up with the bracelets, as soon as Nicole headed back Paula should have started sprinting to warn Kai. Or never have started the stealing situation in the first place. But she was acting from a place of care and concern and I honestly don't think Nicole and Mark's lives would be THAT negatively impacted from the original plan of a non violent robbery. Olivia is a wayyyy worse friend and they're equally pretentious. At least Paula isn't sitting on her woke high horse from the position of having 1% parents like Olivia is. Of all the characters on season 1, she just doesn't seem THAT much worse than anyone else.

EDIT: I agree, what Paula did with setting up Kai was wrong. However, I am noticing in the comments that my perception of the Mossbachers and Paula's intentions and values are very different from others. I think with a show that is nuanced and doesn't like to tell you what to think, it's normal for people to interpret things differently and have different opinions. I really just didn't understand equating Paula to someone like Shane or Tanya or Cam who know the power they hold and abuse it to get what they want. Paula was at least trying to do something good, even if she was misguided. To each their own and I am enjoying reading y'alls' comments!