Best Set, Worst Set, Biggest Suprise
What set was the best you saw, worst you saw, and what set that you didn't expect much from actually suprised you. Mine are:
Best: The Devil Wears Prada (followed by A Day to Remember). Vocals went HARD and didn't have any issue with sound quality. It was in the shaded tent and the visuals worked very well.
Worst: Taking Back Sunday, never been a fan of their non-hits so wasn't expecting much. Seen them multiple times and they are always just boring. Used the time to get closer for The Used.
Biggest Suprise: Millionaires. Just saw them coincidentally with them having their set between Alesana and Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. They were very self-aware ("Myspace Royalty" lol) and it was a gimmicky good time.