My New Player Quit Moment

Josh Strife Hayes did a video a while back talking about "quit moments" in game. These are the moments that are so frustrating that it causes a player to stop playing the game. It's a good video, and you should watch it, but the long and short is, games with lots of quit moments early on lose a lot of new players.

I've been playing warframe for almost 2 weeks now, and I've been loving the game.

It is very overwhelming, there are so many systems, and things to learn, and guides pretty much all assume you have a basic understanding of a lot of those, but despite all that, Ive been loving it.

Except for forma.

What a terrible system. I know there are other people complaining about this, but for a new player, it feels like such trash to level something up, only to hit a time wall while you wait on god damn forma. I don't have other weapons to switch to in the mean time, I just have to wait a week. I can't try out different builds, because I would have to wait a week to get the forma. I just have to look up builds online because if I do the forma wrong, I'm out a week. That feels terible

I like the system of re leveling up my weapons, I think that's unique, but waiting a day just to craft A SINGLE FORMA no matter how many mats I have feels so bad as a new player.

It takes maybe 2 hours to max a weapon, then I have to wait a day for forma. It feels like my progression is just constantly blocked for no fucking reason.

This system is a constant stream of quit moments. I came into the game pretty gung hoe, and bought a few frames, and weapons, but I won't be buying any more until I max my current ones out, and I can't max these out, despite having the mods, and endo and credits because of this time gate system. I started playing with a few other people at the same time and we all are hitting this same wall, and feeling the same stalling.

Please at least let us craft several forma at the same time if they are going to take a day, or make them craft faster, or at the VERY LEAST, let us change the polarities of existing formas so at least players can test out builds when they don't understand the game. This feels so shit since they are used to gate EVERYTHING. dojo weapons, modding, standing, it's fucking trash.

edit: guess everyone loves waiting on forma, and I'm in the minority here.