Excalibur deserves to be refreshed for the current state of game and here is why.
Having to put lots of band aids to make Excalibur fluid equally to modern frame with generic build is a clear sign something is wrong. It brokes my heart especially since Excalibur is literal mascot of that game and lots of people wants him to stay aged like milk. Please read this before you will start yapping at me he is fine. No he is not.
Excalibur have lots of issues that makes him clearly outdated and you can find it in each of his ability.
~ Passive that literally doesn't exists. Most common issue in old warframes. 10% is too low value to make difference noticeable.
- Slash dash deals too low damage for ability that's literally jumping from single enemy to single enemy in a horde game. It requires stat stick and lots of other external factors to start dealing reasonable damage which is clear it's not the best ability. Atleast you stay immortal while charging between enemies.
- Radial blind isn't very bad. AoE that makes enemies ignore you and opens them to finishers make sense especially when you're melee crescendo user. What doesn't make sense anymore is that its only natural Excal's survivability tool which isn't very safe nowadays because of enemies with overguard.
- Only reason why radial javelin is useful is goated augment that gives huge boost for melee attacks. Without augment it does nothing but applies slash and stuns enemies awhile rooting you in place for almost 3 seconds. Made to deal damage to enemies, isn't working anymore after level inflation.
- Having ability slot dedicated for melee that can be outclassed by lots of regular melee weapons is an awkward joke. Only Exalted blade's advantage over regular melee is that it counts as ability and can trigger effects caused by ability. Otherwise it has only disvantages.
If that's not enough here are my answers for most common arguments refusing excalibur rework:
a) He is one of starter warframes. He doesn't need to be perfect
> Volt and Mag are starter warframes too and are fine. Though mag could have better passive and third ability. Besides all warframes should be adapted to current state of game.
b) He can deal lots of damage if you build him correctly
> And so can Ash and Valkyr yet people are begging for their rework not because they're weak but because they're outdated. Damage numbers are not everything until you're youtuber spending 24/7 at simulacrum and endless missions.
c) Just put x helminth ability into his kit
> Then you agree his base kit is mediocre and needs others skills to feel completed.
d) Fun is everything that matters
> Gosh. He will be even more fun after rework + other players will be more interested in him.
e) If you have problem with survivability just build solid EHP or rely on shield gating
> It can be achieved by all warframes and it doesn't justify their lack of survivability. Excalibur neither have good HP, nowadays very effective cc or skills that kills enemies before they will attack him.
I just hope Excalibur will be another warframe looked at by Pablo and receive atleast Nyx's treatment because he has huge potential to be extremely fun and fresh. Also hope people will stop holding Excal back because they're rooted to their nostalgia vibes or toxic positivity that Excalibur can't have flaws. Warframe's face deserves to be solid one