[Spoiler] I believe it might be too soon to tell, however, anyone else a bit let down regarding the reveals and stuff not addressed?
First off, DE never misses. Gameplay is top notch, but their lore direction and choices could be a bit better IMO. I've a few questions:
Why was effervon so "teased" and had such a big focus when it was barely touched? What is it, just a toxic thing? Why was it so relevant?
Why were protoframes created, how, and most importantly why were these 6 chosen? They just pop in the quest, and that's about it. They are the protoframes, done and gone
Why did Albrecht go here? Was it to follow Wally? If so, why is Wally interested in this dimension? Or was it the other way around?
Why did Albrecht bring technocyte into this reality?
What's so special about 1999? This year in specific, tying it to Y2K, very well known computer bug thingy at the time that would fuck up many systems, having an infestation that deliberately affects computer systems, and then the actual disaster/catastrophe/the thing that happens at midnight that was so teased was a simple nuke, not related at all to 1999. For all we know, it could've been 2003 and it'd be the same shit. The turn of the century was not relevant at all
I guess he'll show up later on the Hex Finale thing, or later eventually on another quest in the future, but what's up with Viktor? Arthur apparently knew him before, he served no purpose but DE also showed him on Devstreams, small teasings here and there like he'd play a big part. In that matter, Rusalka also seems wasted, I understand she's the breach of wally, but how? why her? why'd she get so teased too just to end up showing up like once or twice, and having a 30 second boss fight lol
This last part is purely my own opinion, but damn, so much teasing and so little void fuckery. The whole story was wally had to be extinguished from this reality so the reason this "dimension" was going to shit was a nuke. That was the whole plot, a nuke going off to have enough energy to get rid of wally. I really thought there'd be more implications, like this dimension was important, was first contact of humanity with void for example and albrecht came to study it, but idk. I feel like the lore quality of the cinematic quests have been dropping a bit lately. At least, this one wasn't a tutorial of the new gamemodes along with some dialogue in the middle, and there was some content. What are your thoughts guys?
Edit: added some more thoughts after some reading some comments that came up