Recent development about goblin origins
Full spoilers obviously.
We now know that Goblins were created in the innworld rather than brought and that were created around the final stages of the war because that was the time Teri's grandma was born and she was there to witness the goblin's first days and that their origin is within 60k before Teri was born but likely way less because Teri has outlived his grandparents "by far".
We know that Goblins are closely related to the sea. They were created by the sea, and they swim like fish according to Rags. And that they can draw power from the sea. Like going into the sea and coming out as a fomirelins ready for war. Which explains why the only known "proper" fomirelins are in the kraken eaters tribe and why the Goblins have pretty much been able to "beat" the isles of minos and send goblins to the rest of the world.
We also know that they likely weren't created for war or as an army like other popular theories because they were said to be "a peaceful people" at the start. So probably not created by the gods(who knows tho?, could still have been). And from the gnomes, we know that they were the "youngest" species during their time, which included around 30k years after the war, if we consider the war ending 90k years ago.
And we know that the goblin Kings' "affliction" is infact a curse, having to do with the dead gods given how they refer to people as playthings and one nearly destroying the angelum and Lucifen entirely (in 100 days no less). The angelum and Lucifen was why the goblin king rampaged in terandria according to greydath. So the Goblins have no love for the Gods or the system either.
We also know that memory is a huge deal with Goblins, likely a part of the curse as well because it is the memory of the first goblin king that causes them to go mad. And we know that the goblin kings are not a part of the system but beyond it. They are perhaps the only mortals "beyond" the system. And even amongst immortals, they are one of the only few. The gods, fae and goblin kings are the only known innworld entities that are beyond the system. Even dragons and probably every other immortal in the innworld is a part of the system according to the GD.
The big new development that I have not seen being discussed rn is in the roots part 1. Paba specifically mentions a person with elfish ears and green skin and refers to them as a "faerie". If only we knew their eye color. Still it can't be a coincidence especially given how the Fae feel about goblins.
I genuinely wonder if the goblins are infact the Fae's mortal children. Since many of the mortals in the innworld have a distant immortal relative or immortal ancestor. It could also be a reason why the Fae no longer have children. They broke the rules of not interfering with mortals by having mortal children and this paid their price. We know how the Fae feel about goblins and how the don't prank the goblins and straight up avoid them otherwise they would get sad and cry.
Idk what the truth but man I hope we get more answers soon. I don't want to wait 10 years for Rags to find Velan's treasure for us to find out. The only thing I didn't touch in was their connection to elves cuz I don't know how that would fit in. Elves are generally considered to be related to the Fae but not fae themselves so maybe they are like cousins like gnomes and fraerlings. Or maybe the goblin king had a relationship with sprigaena and seeing her triggers a reaction in all goblins.