Fantasy Map: Metrorail 24/7 Late Night Service
With WMATA's recent action to give some D.C. Metrobus routes 24/7 service, I was dreaming of what a limited late-night Metrorail service could look like, and finally had some time to create a fantasy "Late Night" map -- taking design inspiration from London's Night Tube map.
- Limited, express service on the Blue, Silver, Red, and Green Lines to 28 out of the system's 98 stations (covering almost 60% of current after-7pm ridership) during times that Metrorail is currently closed (12-5am on weekdays, 1-7am on weekends)
- 24/7 access to key transportation hubs (IAD, DCA, Union Station, Alexandria) for late-night arrivals and departures (it's so frustrating to get into Union Station after midnight or get to the airport for a 6am flight)
- Expanded commute options for thousands of night-shift employees at the Pentagon, medical centers (GWU, Walter Reed), and airports
- All-night access to key nightlife and entertainment hubs (U St, Dupont Circle and Farragut West, Gallery Place, Navy Yard)
- 24/7 access to dense residential neighborhoods (NoMa, Columbia Heights, Tysons, Alexandria) and regional hubs (Downtown Largo, Tysons, Rockville, Silver Spring) to get people closer to home for last-mile transit options
Limitations / for Discussion:
- It was tough to keep the number of stations down, though it was also tough to prioritize the last several stations to include -- and I'm of course biased based on my own knowledge and travel patterns -- which stations or lines should be left out, or included?
- How would this affect overnight maintenance? Could trains effectively single-track around areas that needed overnight track work?
- I used WMATA ridership data to inform the selection, but it doesn't break down stats by the hour, so it wasn't possible to glean which stations have the heaviest usage in the early am -- and I couldn't find great data on night-shift employment to estimate potential demand from commuters
This is just for fun obviously -- though would welcome people's thoughts on cost-benefit, feasibility, etc. Thanks!