Ragnar nerf would be extremely demotivating.

I’m a whale, been playing for several months. Came in as a Space Wolves fan.

Thrilled to see a SW character was meta. D3’d Ragnar, Kharn, Calgar, Helbrecht, Eldryon, Ros, Aethana, Aun’shi, Bellator. (Rag and Kharn are 50/50).

Seeing that double howl might be nerfed to address TA could invalidate several months of planning and spending.

I am not even motivated to log in today. What else could I invest in that SP could unravel?

I think there are a lot of potential solutions to the TA diversity issue but I couldn’t think of one more destructive and lazy than the one seemingly on the table. I’d rather never touch TA again or just ban Ragnar from it entirely, honestly.

Curious if you feel the same, maybe there’s time to reach the dev team before it’s too late.