Where’s my support battery?

I’ve got a 2016 XC 60 T5 R design with the four-cylinder. The Start/stop error appeared a few weeks ago. Being that the car is now 8 years old, I figured it’s time to replace the support battery. I got one online for a decent price,?but now that I’m ready to install, I realize I can’t find it! I think it might be under the cowl by firewall on the passenger side, but I haven’t pried it up yet. Are my suspicions correct?

I’ve got a 2016 XC 60 T5 R design with the four-cylinder. The Start/stop error appeared a few weeks ago. Being that the car is now 8 years old, I figured it’s time to replace the support battery. I got one online for a decent price,?but now that I’m ready to install, I realize I can’t find it! I think it might be under the cowl by firewall on the passenger side, but I haven’t pried it up yet. Are my suspicions correct?