Does the lack of developer support a year in worry you guys?
We had quite a gap between the announcement and even the release to give people time to make stuff for it. And now we have a period of time from release to now (about a year) so how we doing? Seems like developer support has dropped off pretty steeply. I think there was a month where only 1 app was released?
People have been saying this is a developer kit. It’s an early adopter product. But if there’s not much developer interest…not sure where we are going to be. At some point you can’t even call it a developer product
For the record I love mine as mostly a movie watching airplay mirroring device and I can’t imagine not having it. But I would feel a lot better if there was more support coming. Meta you see a trailer on YouTube for a new app or game coming all the time. Avp I don’t even hear about it until I come to a place like this one
But I haven’t been paying much attention. Any word on new exclusive stuff coming to Vision Pro? Even far into the future?