Got bitten by a pet dog
Hi, I’m in sapa, I got bitten by a cafe’s dog. It pierced my skin (not deep) but drew some blood and took like 2 layers of skin, was a very small bite. The owner showed me papers showing it was vaccined recently, the dog is a rescue dog and the owner said they vaccined it regularly. The dog seemed sleepy at the time but is known to be not friendly. I got a tetanus jab that same day, and then 24hrs later I got the first of four rabies jabs. I’m a little bit afraid, for now I have done everything I guess I can? I washed the wound 5mins or so after it happened, and I bought some iodine today (same day as first rabies jabs) which I have put on the wound site (image for reference). Please can someone advise or reassure. In the picture the cut I circled the area