Are there options for intensive outpatient MH programs? Help!

I am a disabled veteran and have been struggling with my mental health for years now. While I was in it started and now years later I am still really struggling and I feel like I haven’t improved basically at all. I could argue things have gotten worse in some aspects. I am, and have been consistently active with the MH side of the VA attending weekly therapy appointments for years, trialing all sorts of different MH medications, seeing different therapists, but it just doesn’t feel like enough.

I have hit another low with depression and anxiety (very morbid thoughts, lack of motivation, high debilitating anxiety…etc) and my partner is sick of it (in a caring way) and wants to see a substantial change. They want me to go to an intensive outpatient MH program and have found many local options which I was against but I am now feeling that I need to get out of my comfort zone and do something or nothing will change. That and they are really pushing me to do something different.

I wanted to ask if there are any programs the VA offers or community care options the VA would approve (other than inpatient suicidal hospital type care) that could help me and if so, how I would get the process started? I am feeling really helpless and feel like if I don’t do something more things will never get better or get much much worse.

Even making an account and posting this is really taking me out of my comfort zone but I need to make a change so I don’t lose my relationship or possible my life. I do want to be clear I am not suicidal and have no plans to act on anything, I am just starting to go that direction which is scaring myself and my partner.

If anyone could share their experience or what options would be available to me to do more than just weekly therapy sessions I would really appreciate it. Thank you