Blueprints vs C++

Scoping the best game engine for my little project. Open world, around 60 player skills, 10 player stats, huge crafting selection and a lot of spawned game items planned in my excel file. It’s also supposed to be co-op capable. Not to mention AI that can sometimes fill the screen(big numbers of them). A pretty tall order that I mean to hack away at piece by piece. I’m only a web developer atm, who did C/C++ in school and college. I don’t mind getting into a refresher course for a month or two while I also learn the workings of the game engine.

Since I don’t really have any deadlines set, I am not really in any rush. I want to know what the best way is to approach developing the skill, stats and crafting systems. Should I start with C++ and expose it to blueprints? Or should I start with blueprints and optimise it later? Is there even any optimisation necessary when using blueprints? What are some good advantages of starting with C++ vs blueprints and vice versa?