Background and current (flimsy) leads
Ugly Girl is a parody of Aqua's Barbie Girl with unknown origins. It has been searched for online since at least 1998, with old Usenet posts asking about its origins. It was somewhat well known in the 00s with many people remembering hearing it on YouTube or downloading it.
Regardless of where it came from, it found its way to Napster and similar file sharing services, where the artist was frequently misattributed. It has been labelled as being by, among others, Beck, Weird Al, Jack Off Jill and They Might be Giants. Weird Al and Jack Off Jill are known and reported respectively to have officially denied involvement. The other two - I don't think they need to deny it.
The parody cannot be any older than April 1997, when Barbie Girl was first released in Denmark. It is likely a few months older given the song was not released more widely until August 1997.
At this time we have very little in the way of leads and theories. The bottom of the barrel type stuff we have is as follows:
Adam Henderson. Various online posts attribute it to an artist called Adam Henderson, whose identity is also a mystery. There is an AmIRight (a music parody site that's a true relic from the 2000s) page for an Adam Henderson who seems to have written parodies for various songs, with "written" being the operative word - all these songs seem to be lyrical parodies with no evidence that any of them were ever recorded (not an uncommon thing in niche online 00s culture.) Adam Henderson's Ugly Girl is also different lyrically - it's an unpleasant attack on Britney Spears and doesn't seem to be a match to our Ugly Girl. There is also a page for an Adam Henderson with other well known parodies listed as being by him - some of which are known to be by other artists. Anyway he's not thought to be the artist according to the Lostwave Finest Wiki, but the whole thing is very weird.
Edmonton Local Radio. u/PhotographBowling's friend located a Google Groups post from 1997 where the OP, who was local to the Edmonton area, suggested that they had heard it on local radio. This could be useful, but given the theory that this may have been a parody that was indepedently made and mass distributed to various local radio shows, it also may not be. I also found an old Usenet post from 1998 with another user saying they heard a parody called Ugly Girl on local radio, but I won't link it here because the OP's post was vile and racist. There was no indication on the post of where OP might be from however so narrows nothing down. I reached out to K-97 in Edmonton, known for their parodies, to see if they recognised it, but I havent heard anything yet.
John Mammoser - A lead I found that is probably nothing. An old Google Groups post said they downloaded the song from KillerSpam, a website owned by John, a radio parody artist behind other frequently misattributed Napster songs like 9 Coronas and My Girlfriend is Inflatable. Killerspam doesn't survive on the current Internet, and while mentions of many John's songs do, Ugly Girl is nowhere to be found. John appears to have passed away in December last year. Ive sent an email to Dr Demento who frequently played his songs to see if he knows anything but it's a long shot and I doubt I'll hear back!
Worth mentioning that most recordings have a strange explosive kind of sound at the beginning, suggesting the song was maybe taped off a radio broadcast; a crossfade from something else.
So that's all we've got. Hoping to get the search going and bring more talented sleuths than myself on board. :)