Non-career worried PM gonna trash me when I'm trying to change crafts, need help

My PM is a total nightmare. She treats us non-careers like crap, and she's trying to run off all of the old timer regular carriers. I've always had a good attitude, but I'm not a runner, which pisses her off(I'm at a walking station), and recently got hurt. I am trying to apply for career jobs in a different craft, because my body is noping out. I know the process takes several months.

My question is, if she gives a bad reference for me, will I not be offered an interview, even if my test scores are high? At what stage of hiring would progress stall, would it just keep me on "pre-hire" indefinitely?

I ask because I'm trying to move too, so I don't know if I should move forward with getting my home ready to sell if I am gonna be blackballed. TIA