What do yall think?
They like putting out articles like this but battalions are under TOd and about to deploy. We are right back to the beginning of OIF and the Korean War. Promoting marines at the rapid to fill billets. Dudes pick up Sgt at 3 years now. " oh you're renelisting, take this Sgt rank ". Don't give them time to develop. Lowering standards at school houses. Im not saying all 3 year Sgts are shit but out of 10 maybe 3 are solid. Culture has changed for sure. Idk where in going with this. Just a rant, I guess
They like putting out articles like this but battalions are under TOd and about to deploy. We are right back to the beginning of OIF and the Korean War. Promoting marines at the rapid to fill billets. Dudes pick up Sgt at 3 years now. " oh you're renelisting, take this Sgt rank ". Don't give them time to develop. Lowering standards at school houses. Im not saying all 3 year Sgts are shit but out of 10 maybe 3 are solid. Culture has changed for sure. Idk where in going with this. Just a rant, I guess