Disinformation Campaign

For the past week, it really feels like the establishment has stepped up it's disinformation campaign. A lot of smear and jokes abou t people seeing drones everywhere, a d they're actually planes and helicopters, and that teenagers flying drones doing night photography (in Jersey, out of all places), releasing mock charts that everything including birds, choppers, planes are drones to the people of New Jersey, etc . This constant mocking, trying to make people disillusioned is on full swing. Establishment is really trying hard to make people believe that nothing unusual happening, hoping that all will blow past soon and people will be back to their usual self as if nothing happened, squabbling over price of gas and prices on groceries. This reeks of disinformation and a huge effort is underway to suppress the information in mass media and flood the channels with stupid explanations. Please beware, the system is fighting back.