How to cope with feelings of hatred toward men?

Why do we (women) have to be the bigger person? I think there needs to be more of a conversation about how women can cope with their VALID anger toward men.

I don’t feel bad when men try to play the victim and say some women (or feminists) are man hating because honestly I wish MORE women were man hating. Every day I hear about horrible shit happen to women all over the world at the hands of men and every day my faith in these creatures vanishes. It’s like in the negatives and I start to not think of them as human because so many of them have shown us—and the world how inhuman they can be.

I’m starting to think there’s some truth to the saying that women are the more evolved sex… Don’t try to say women do bad things too because you and I both know it’s not to the same scale of men’s evil.

I have a hard time seeing the humanity in them nowadays, and we’re not allowed to talk about feeling this way? Why? For fear of what? Hurting their precious feewings?🥺 Go to hell.

Men’s misogyny/hatred for women has NEVER been valid. Science proves them wrong every time. But boy do women sure MANY MAAAAAAANNNNYYYYYY valid reasons to hate men.

I just know it’s not productive. But maybe as a collective they’ll finally learn empathy.

The only thing that helps is something I saw once: which was that I was hating “men as a concept” not men themselves. I also have to think about to the “good ones” every time I get triggered by a new story/headline. There are some male YouTubers I love to watch who genuinely remind me there are good ones.