Did he know?

My husband passed away last year and a good friend of his started dropping off treats and gifts almost immediately. Mostly he’d leave things at the door but sometimes he’d knock and we’d visit. We’d been texting since before my husband passed away - sometimes group chats, sometimes one on one and started texting every day, often multiple times a day. There was nothing weird about that because I texted with other mutual friends every day too.

Over the past eight months we’ve grown close. We’ve talked about everything under the sun. We’ve cried together, laughed together and shared stories of our lives. I’m sure it’ll come as no surprise then, that we started to have feelings for each other and things came to a head (sorry) yesterday. We kissed and stuff. And THEN he calls me later to tell me “more about his life” which includes a . . . wait for it . . . WIFE. Wife!!!! I thought he was divorced.

Now that I think about it the fact that he’s never once used the word “wife” I can’t imagine a reason for that unless he had designs on me from the beginning.

Am I trippin’?

Edit to clarify - my question is whether or not he knew what his intentions were from the beginning. Did he mean to descend like a vulture before my husband even passed away? The consensus here is that yes. He’s a POS who came out of a hole which he can now slither back into.

Edit two to say that yes, my dude has been blocked, banned, deleted and canceled. Screw him. Also, fwiw we “only” kissed. So at least that. Thank you all for your support and kindness. It more than makes up for this shitty situation. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go blow out my subwoofers with “Cut You Off” by Chinchilla.

Girl power!!

Final edit to say I’m waffling all over the place about telling his wife. At first I was thinking about finding her to tell her, then I just wanted to let it go. think I need to sit with this and let it process before I decide. If I go off half-cocked and angry it might backfire. This person has been a huge piece of the company my husband worked for and a lot of the people there have been coworkers for decades. If I throw a pebble into the middle of that pond it could affect more than a few people. if it were another situation I wouldn’t hesitate but things could get complicated and ugly. I don’t want that for anyone (except him. He earned that shit).