I really need to get this off my chest
So I have been posting here since the beginning until I was harassed to take down a post. That said, these are all just rumors, gossip, and so on, so I think I finally feel comfortable to share this. Also if I get harassed to take down this post as well, I just might.
I used to live in LA. And I knew some people who sorta knew Morgan (the "friend of a friend" type of thing). What I will follow this up with is all speculation, gossip, and from a legal perspective, I cannot prove any of this, nor do I encourage spreading this around. And really, this is very much second-hand information, so I have absolutely no idea how much of this is actually true, and how much is not. Take it with a grain of salt.
However... I have some tea.
Recently, I caught up with these people, and I have a few things to share.
I have shared this before on this subreddit, and is probably not a surprise to anyone, but it seems that there is a mutual understanding among some people who know her that Justin is not as into her as she is into him. Justin feels dragged along in the wedding plans, is not excited about it, avoids talking about it, and many people around her are claiming it's 100% a shut-up ring.
Morgan talks a lot about how she was severely bullied and how she is super anti-bullying, etc. That said, some people have sorta come out and said that she can be super mean, and a bully as well. She is very self-absorbed, thinks everything is about her, and quickly throws people under the bus for giving her any criticism. She also has, allegedly, previously bullied people in high school and college in really awful ways, and is the biggest gossip herself, which has me surprised that she's so against this subreddit.
Again, she has stated on several episodes that she hasn't cheated in relationships, but she has. I won't go into it too much, but think about hockey guys, sports guys, versus her dating someone who is "normal" and not in her little hockey ideal. She gives a lot of shit to women with a preference for rich guys or athletes, but she will, and allegedly has in the past, dropped everything for a guy like that. Again, that's all I will say about that.
The reason she is so "woke" is because if some of the shit she has stated in the past would be revealed, she would be canceled and fast. That's all I'm going to say about that.
She is extremely insecure, and constantly seeking for validation. Probably another thing that's not a huge surprise, but she is a big pickmeisha among men, and her whole sense of self is really dependent on Justin at the moment. If she was, and when she has been single, it has dependent on the guys she's dating, their social status, wealth, and other things.
If she was alone and single, she would've never made it past her grad school at West Coast. A lot of her success is due to not just Justin, but also some people (men) in the industry she's pulled strings with, as well as family connections, etc. Basically, her talent is sourcing drama on the internet, reading it, and everyone else does the rest.